February 21share.
February CUsocial at Tyler's in Raleigh a Success!Click here for the recap.
September 19learn.
A Night with Jim Blaine.The always candid President of NCSECU took time out of his schedule to do a Q&A with CUaware. View the video here.
August 18grow.
7th Principle in Action3rd CUaware gives back to the Raleigh Rescue Mission. Recap
August 16share.
CUaware SocialFirst social in Greensboro and a presentation on a WOCCU exchange presentation in Raleigh. Recap
July 19 CUaware Social
share. Recap of one-year anniversary of CUaware at Tyler's Tap Room
June 23grow.
7th Principle in Action2nd CUaware Gives Back to Raleigh Rescue Mission Recap
June 17-21learn.
grow. |
CRASH the ACUCHighly recommended for all YPs Recap
June 10-12learn.
NCCUL Annual Meeting YP TrackAmazing time with amazing YP's from all over the state! Recap
June 8-15learn.
Southeast CUNA Management SchoolPerfect training for credit union professionals. Details
June 2learn.
CO-OP FairCelebrate cooperatives Info
May 21grow.
Durham IFH FundraiserHamburgers, hops, and hope for homeless families. Join other Triangle credit union professionals from 5:30 - 8:30 in downtown Durham for this very important event. Check out the flyer
April 19share.
Triangle CUsocialCUaware Goes Political Recap
March 15share.
Triangle and Charlotte CUsocialsCold Drink on a Hot Day Recap
February 25grow.
7th Principle in ActionFirst time CUaware gives back Recap
February 16share.
Triangle CUsocialWhen it Rains, CUaware Pours Recap